Forbidden Love Author Accused Of Fraud

Fairfax’s literary editor Malcolm Knox has accused Norma Khouri, the author of Forbidden Love, of fraud. Ms Khouri’s book, Forbidden Love, tells the story of her best friend, a Jordanian woman, who was murdered by her father for falling in love with a Christian man. Ms Khouri says she fled Jordan after the incident, writing the story and making her way to Australia. Mr Knox claims he has proof she lived in America for most of her life and only lived in Jordan until she was three

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One Comment

  1. LittleBat

    26 July 2004 at 10.09 am

    There have been doubts about this book for a long time. Voices in Jordan said that no one knew her, or “Dalia”, or the place where they worked. The story had several improbable elements, and I am not surprised to hear that the author is from America, not Jordan.
    It makes you wonder how many other memoirs, and “based on a true story” books are false.

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