Mobile Software and Services

Xingtone is a new application that will convert your MP3 to ringtones and the music industry is freaking out (despite the fact that phones like the P800, which can play an MP3 without any conversion as a ringtone, have been around for at least a year) — via boingboing

Popular Science has an article on getting your mobile phone unlocked. In London, there are shops that advertise phone unlocking on practically every block, but it’s almost unheard-of in the USA and Australia — via boingboing

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  1. Eric

    7 June 2004 at 6.23 pm

    We are looking for some Xingtone testers in different parts of the world so if you have a phone that supports real music & voice ringtones and would like to try it, please get in touch. Eric (

  2. Heinz Mense

    11 September 2005 at 9.10 pm

    I am after the Windows Mobile Operating System 2003.

  3. adam

    10 November 2005 at 11.11 am

    hi i picked up a sony ericcson 3 phone i want it unlocked so i can use my card from another network

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