Fucking With The Fundie Wankers

The American Family Association is trying to orchestrate a campaign of complaints about an episode of That ’70s Show which had a big, grown-up wanking joke in it. To this end, they have provided a link to send the complaints to the relevant authority. Of course, anyone can use it, so Larry did:

Dear FCC Commissioners,

I want to say that the AFA does not understand the import of the first amendment. Furthermore, I am tired of people trying to protect me from things that they don’t want their children to see. I am opposed to censorship in any and all forms, especially the ridiculous crackdown that has recently been implemented by the FCC.

If you want to fulfil your mandate and improve the utilisation of the electromagnetic spectrum to the benefit of the people of the United States, then break up the broadcasting monopolies and encourage diversity in radio and TV programming.

Go on, give it a try, you know you want to — via Pagan Prattle

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