Mark Maughan, an accountant and professional moron, Googled his name and found some alarming, false, misleading and injurious
information about himself and his firm. Therefore, he is now suing Google, Yahoo (which used Google as its search engine at the time), AOL (for using Google to enhance its search results) and Time Warner (because they’re the same company as AOL) for libel. Specifically, his lawyer John Girardi believes that Google’s PageRank algorithm takes known good information and twists its context when displaying search results
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23 March 2004 at 4.03 pm
I often thought that George Bush or someone like him would have a stronger case, google up idiot and I bet you get George W. Is this manipulation or just truth rising to the top in a democratic system. I would advocate we remove all country laws and boudaries and let google rule our knowlege and decisions. Puts a new twist on the Dice Man philosophy.
Red Wolf
23 March 2004 at 4.24 pm
The googlebomb that causes King George II to float to the top is miserable failure.
You can see where his idiot PR department have trying to knock him off pole position with hits on Mike Moore, Jimmy Carter and Hilary Clinton. And yet still they fail.
My current favourite googlebomb links The Passion of the Christ to the IMDB page for Life of Brian