Potter Puppet Pals

Found a pair of wacky Harry Potter flash animations. Bothering Snape and Trouble At Hogwarts. Most amusing.

There’s a LiveJournal Community for updates to the series and info on the t-shirts.

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  1. Darkie-chan

    18 March 2004 at 7.05 am

    FUNNY!!! I love that Potter Puppet Pals!! Uh… what happened? Shoot her!! Naked time!!! WOOHOO!!!!

  2. Albaman

    26 March 2004 at 4.51 am

    Potter Puppet Pals rules! It’s just too bod J.K Rowling can’t make her books this great…

  3. Faile_277

    28 May 2004 at 7.35 am

    heard ’bout Potter Puppet Pals from my friend. They should make more!!

  4. Jack

    3 August 2004 at 5.28 am

    Yeah, Potter Puppet Pals are great! Really funny. Oh, I love them!

  5. Je$$

    10 August 2004 at 10.51 am

    “follow the butterflies, follow the butterflies, weeee! la la la la!ronicus explodicus!” ” naked time” “i am snape, the potions master” LUV IT!!!!! every minute of! first time i saw them , i couldn’t stop laughing!! i still do (and i’ve seen them, like, more than 15 times) man it cracks me up!

  6. Monkeystarz

    18 August 2004 at 8.32 am

    Ron’s voice is higher then Hermiones o.o now thats wat i call funny. o.o not to mention… *coughs* nvm.. *hits head w/ a rock* Be gone wrong and twisted thoughts!! o.o stop starring at me o.o

  7. Q?

    4 September 2004 at 12.37 pm

    i’m making something like this with lord of the rings. though its stick figures with the real heads. once im done i’ll tell yall. But potter puppet pals is defenetly an insperation. My animation is a flash animation, where potter puppet pals is a frame-by-frame.

  8. doom

    8 September 2004 at 8.54 pm

    it was mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. me

    19 September 2004 at 1.02 pm

    How do you find the “Follow the Butterflies” thing? I’ve tried and tried, but HOW!?!

  10. anonymous coward

    2 October 2004 at 11.52 pm

    for the follow the butterflies thing you haveta watch teh 2nd one and then when snape gets zapped by voldemort pause it (press the black square in the bottom left corner) then click on the right arrow to fast forward until you see a green star and click on it

  11. reddragon

    29 October 2004 at 9.24 pm

    has any1 created lord of the rings puppet pals because i’v searched
    everywhere for them and cant find them anywhere! please!!!!!

  12. the Two Donkeys

    14 November 2004 at 3.08 am

    Let’s go Bother SNAPE!!!!!!!! 0.o Now what are we doing… more importanly were the hell are we?

  13. Steppytoes

    4 January 2005 at 4.15 am

    LMFAO! this is soooo funnny! I love it! Nakey Time and Shoot Her! lol, brillant! I love harry potter, but this just adds so laughter! make more! and make some lord of the rings ones too!

  14. silverfox

    6 February 2005 at 10.34 am

    I lub dis stuff! Whomever thought up Potter Puppet Pals was either a genius or high. Hehehe. However, I have yet to see ‘Follow the Butterflies’- my friends told me how to access it, but I still can’t find it. T.T I feel so stupid. Meep. Please take pity on me and tell me how I can see this….. I really want to look at it. Gwack.

  15. sheila ronald

    26 February 2005 at 10.51 am

    i tottaly luv potter puppet pals. my favorite one is” bothering snape” and “its naked time.” and my new favorite phrase is ….. BOTHER!!

  16. lesley

    2 March 2005 at 9.42 am

    potter puppet pals are pretty cool. – But hey.. does anyone know how to get to “Nakey Time on the internet??” Everyone says its cool. And I want to see it. But I cant find it anywhere on the internet./ Pls post Adress to website w/ it if you know how to get there. – Thanks. – Les.

  17. Anonymous Coward

    10 March 2005 at 3.28 am


  18. Tom Butcher-Smith

    10 March 2005 at 6.55 am

    I love potter pals they are both fantastic, I hope they make more they are the best.

  19. angel

    17 March 2005 at 12.10 pm

    I loved the potter puppet pals!!! bother bother bother. That was my favorite part

  20. boooooooooby

    18 May 2005 at 1.05 am

    potter pupett pals are halirius!!! BOTHER

  21. Alex

    14 June 2005 at 10.45 am

    OOOHHH.. potter puppet pals! I love those things! they are so funny!!!!!
    Follow the butter flies follow the butter flies, la la la la, ronicus explodicus!!!

  22. Caro

    8 July 2005 at 5.46 am

    These two videos were so much fun for me. I Hope that someone created new videos like these two 🙂

  23. Amy

    12 July 2005 at 11.00 am

    I think Dumbledore’s nakey dance is hilarious!

  24. Lesley

    22 July 2005 at 6.52 pm

    yeah I love this videos too. But Does anyone know how to find ” nakey Time”??? Do you know the website adress?? – If you could let me know it that would be great thanks! – Lesley.

  25. heppi101

    5 September 2005 at 7.23 pm

    OMG they r soooooooooooooo funny make another one plz `BOTHER BOTHER~ NAKED TIME MAKE LIKE A HOME PAGE OR SUMTHIN

  26. im a person

    6 September 2005 at 4.11 am

    i love potter puppet pals!!! iv seen them about 100billion times and i still cant stop laughing about it untill like 10mins. after it ended! i hope they make more!they are halarious!

  27. Minya

    18 September 2005 at 6.42 am

    r there only 2? they r sooo cool! i’ve watched them both 10000000000000000000000000 times!

  28. Weasel

    27 September 2005 at 9.17 am

    they got canceled bacause it was too hard 2 control and cause in ‘trouble in hogwarts’ they had guns… and u noe the government…

  29. bother

    5 October 2005 at 7.20 am

    waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! they shoulda made more!!!!!!!!! btw, whats the SHOOT HER!? i thought it was shoot him? is this like a follow the butterflies thing (which i did see) well whatevr.

  30. A Rabid Freckle

    8 October 2005 at 11.09 am

    Holy crap I’m totally addicted to this thing!! Does anyone have the link for the secret episode? If so pleaaaaassseeee mail me!!

  31. Gretchen

    9 October 2005 at 4.08 am


  32. Gretchen

    9 October 2005 at 4.09 am

    How do you see the follow the butterflies? I can’t figure it out! eep!

  33. @pril

    18 November 2005 at 4.08 am

    the potter puppet pals 2 was fab i woz lafin me hed off…

  34. CharlieHorse

    30 November 2005 at 4.51 pm

    For the “Follow the Butterflies” sequence in Potter Puppet Pals 2:
    – Pause the animation using the gray box in the bottom left corner at some point before Voldemort zaps Snape
    – Keep clicking the gray arrow to the right of the box until you see a star-shaped pattern in the zap line over Snape’s face
    – Click the star and you’ll be following the butterflies in no time 🙂

  35. Tara

    5 December 2005 at 2.57 pm

    Ur awsum Charlie Horse. Thanks 4 the info

  36. April

    20 December 2005 at 2.13 pm

    OMG, me and my friend watched Potter Puppet Pals and the next day at school we keep “BOTHERING” everyone in school. It’s soooo much fun!

  37. CharlieHorse

    22 December 2005 at 7.37 pm

    Was my info helpful?

  38. pinkdragon

    24 December 2005 at 9.33 pm

    THE ppp gang r one of the funniest cartoon animations i have ever seen on the internet! i cant stop watching it ! follow the butterflies weeeeeeeeee!

  39. blake

    30 December 2005 at 10.55 am

    It rules! They should make a 3rd one! “Ohhh kids, I love you too, now please get off me. Yahoo!”

  40. colton

    25 January 2006 at 1.13 pm

    holy crap that was funny i cant remember the last time i laughed that hard for awhile it was the funnest thing that everyone was talking about in school and some people are still talking about it including me

  41. Colton

    25 January 2006 at 1.19 pm

    yes its me again yes i just wanted to ask if you guys could tell me how to get to the whole naked time dance im not talking about the partially done part im talking about the whole dance please!! you guys rock and harry potter puppet pals is the frekin funniest thing ive ever seen thank you!! “oh kids i love you to now please get off of me” ron: no

  42. Sasher

    12 February 2006 at 3.12 pm

    lol my friends and i LOVE potter puppet pals, i want MORE!!!!! did you guy’s know theres a secret scene? i fould IT!!! e-mail me if you want to know where it is!

  43. clayton

    17 February 2006 at 1.09 pm

    if you are wondering how to get to “follow the butterflys” go to #2 and right when voldemort is killing snape go panal by panal( click the little forward arow a couple times) until you see a star then click on it IT IS HALARIOUS

  44. Dumbass

    23 February 2006 at 5.26 pm

    does anyone know how to get the new ppp movie??? i got the soundtrack but i cant find the actual movie and its driving me fucking crazy!! somebody please tell me

  45. Devon Harter-Brown

    25 February 2006 at 12.52 pm

    The puppet pals have imspired me to do my own great funny things

  46. Stephanie

    1 March 2006 at 11.51 am

    I luv the potter puppet pals and I was looking up lord of the rings puppet pals when I found this


    14 March 2006 at 6.21 am

    ron:Follow the butterflies, follow the butterfies, follow the butterflies…WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    Hermione: ronicus explodicus
    that episodes so funny just pause it where voldemort kills snape and foward it then click on the star and watch it. ITS A BUNDLE OF LAUGHS! LMAO! NAKED TIME! BOTHER!

  48. Red Wolf

    14 March 2006 at 6.21 am

    Ah, Kelly… So thick she posted three times

  49. bob

    29 April 2006 at 1.06 pm

    this site is the asomest i showed my dad and my frends and we couldnt stop frikin laughin! it was lol funny it was even rofl fuuny!

  50. bob

    29 April 2006 at 1.09 pm

    hi me again and i just want to say”folow the butterflies!!!…………………………….weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”bammmmmm!!! hahahahhahahahahaha!

  51. sam wynn

    2 May 2006 at 8.33 am

    potter puppet pals funny gyahh!
    I liked the bit were his head fell off(ron)

  52. Billy Bob Koe Bob Joe Bob Fred

    12 May 2006 at 6.34 am

    That video was awesome!!! Naked Time!!! Bother bother bother!!! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!!!!

  53. chech

    21 May 2006 at 2.49 pm

    love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. psychopiggy

    22 June 2006 at 10.19 am

    How do you get to the naked time E-mail me it.

  55. guy hu can't find the other part

    6 August 2006 at 8.42 am

    how do u find the part with the butterflies & the song & ron’s head exploding?
    PS. I used some1 else’s e-mail adress ROFL

  56. Tyler

    21 January 2007 at 5.24 am

    omg!! isaw that my boyfriend showed me lol click the star ron: follow the butterflies follow the butterflies weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee la la la la la la la la herminie: ronacous exploidagis (head flys off) ron: ooooo!! rotflmfao!

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