More Geek Toys

Fancy a glowing rubber duckie USB key ring drive? Shame it only goes up to 16MB. As you’ll need somewhere to plug your duck, may we recommend the Hello Kitty USB hub. Hello Kitty responds to your keyboard motion by talking and moving in either Japanese or English.

The T-Cube is a new tiny, orange, cubic PC intended for sale in China. It runs some wacky OS called T-Engine.

Be the envy of your friends with a fuel cell toy. Pour in the water and watch it separate into hydrogen and oxygen, forming a gas to power your vehicle across the floor.

If you’ve ever wanted to eat a hologram, LightVision Confections are selling giant lollipops with edible holograms embedded in them.

MAME is a project to allow for the emulation of every video-game ever minted, but what if you’re more the pinball type? No fear: a group of MAME hackers are building virtual pinball machines that lovingly emulate every jot and tittle of every pinball table under the sun.
If you’re not into geek toys, why not try a jelly bath. This stuff turns ordinary bath water into a soothing puddle of brightly-coloured aromatherapeutic slime that looks like weird alien porn.
My favourite selection is the Catapult Watch that fires teeny projectiles from your wrist. How can you not like a company that has an entire section on trebuchets? They come in sizes ranging from the annoy your workmates desktop model through to the 1/10th scale Warwolf that is still large enough to have your neighbours firing off complaints to local council.

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One Comment

  1. lucie

    17 December 2003 at 11.19 pm

    Inedible jelly that you bath in, hey? If you whack some kids in this stuff and leave it to set in the fridge, will they stay encased in jelly forever more?


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