Baiting the Nigerian Scammers

I’ve known of the notorious Nigerian scam for years. The first time I actually saw physical evidence of the scam was when a letter arrived at work.

We were a small branch office, so everyone got to see the poorly photocopied document. One of the engineers said that they used to send them out of classy looking faked stationery. Not this scammer, but if was nice to see that they’d kept up the time honoured tradition of fake stamps.

The gist of the letter was much the same as the continual pleas from Nigerian widows you get in your inbox now. But at least they’d made the effort to match the content to our company business. Surprisingly enough the company did have business in the region mentioned, but contacting a minor sub branch halfway around the world for transfer of funds was never going to work when we had a head office who was constantly miffed over our stationery expenditure.

The Green Man has pointed out a group that goes out of their way to bait the scammers.

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