Invader Zim on DVD

Joshua Lane of Animated Bliss has personally verified the info with John Sirabella, President of Media Blasters:

AnimeWorks is ready to rain down Zim’s doom upon the heads of animation fans everywhere with its release of Jhonen Vasquez’s Invader Zim. Anime fans have been screaming for this DVD release since Zim first aired on Nickelodeon in 2001 and now it’s finally here. Coming Spring 2004 will be the first of three double disc sets and a limited edition boxed set which promises to send fans’ blood racing through their veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command them!

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  1. lucie

    7 November 2003 at 5.27 pm

    ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM – ZIM


  2. Red Wolf

    13 November 2003 at 8.14 am

    An update on the Zim DVD release. It was a given that the box set will be released after the individual DVDs, but it looks like the box set will be a pre-order only deal


  3. katrina scheiwe

    20 May 2004 at 6.57 pm

    Can you please tell me how I can order the ‘limited edition’ house boxset of Invader Zim as it’s for by boyfriend and I would hate to disappoint him. Thank you


  4. A.A. Fussy

    21 May 2004 at 8.07 pm

    You could probably order from the USA, if you have a multiregion DVD player or if on a PC PowerDVD or Win. ME/XP also lets you select upto 5 times-a region code-I read in PC User that there is quite a few US/Candian sites that would sell region 4 or 1 Zim DVD’s-some will ship to local addresses .
    An Australian release would be a good idea-try contacting Madman Entertainment, to request if they would be intereseted in negotating IZ DVD-Aust. release rights


  5. Red Wolf

    22 May 2004 at 9.13 am

    It is illegal for US and Canadian stores to sell any DVDs other than region 1 (region 0 are allowed to be sold globally) which is why it will probably be Blockbuster who kills region coding so they can cash in on the international market. Most US stores wouldn’t even know that other regions exist.
    You will need a multi-region DVD player to play region 1 DVDs in Australia. Alternatively, if you’re playing DVDs via PS2 a copy of DVD Region X will allow you to circumvent the region locking.
    The DVD region locking, I hesitate to call it a feature, on PC DVD players can only be reset a finite number of times. Not a viable solution if you plan to hop between regions. It can be broken with a firmware upgrade but I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead a copy of DVD Region-Free provides a nice software solution. The region locking is on the actual DVD player, not the operating system, but XP helpfully has its own layer of locking above that. A firmware crack probably won’t help, but DVD Region-Free should.
    Pestering Madman for a local release is a good idea, but bear in mind that pricing is still likely to exceed buying direct from the US and you can forget the limited edition set being released here


  6. tweek

    28 August 2004 at 6.27 pm

    will the invader zim dvds come out in the uk?
    including the box set….


  7. Elise

    24 December 2004 at 3.54 pm

    i have just recieved all 3 invader zim dvd’s….all region 1 encoding. I live in New Zealand(region 4) and cant play them.
    Do i need to get my hands on a multi-region dvd player…..because i know i will if thats what it takes. Also, can anyone tell me anything about these dvd players, how it works with all the region encoding rubbish, because that would be most helpfull.


  8. Red Wolf

    24 December 2004 at 4.32 pm

    Depends on your DVD player.
    If you have a newer player, especially if you have one of the cheaper players, you should be able to find the code online to either set the player to play all regions or to at least set it to the region you need.
    If you are playing them on a PC you’ll need DVD Region Free or DVD Region Killer to circumvent to region coding on your PC DVD player. If it has already been set to a region, you’ll need to find the program associated with the make and model of DVD player that will flash the firmware. Then DVD Region Free or DVD Region Killer will work.
    You’ll need to run a Google search to track down the relevant info related to your DVD player


  9. Kate

    9 January 2005 at 8.00 pm

    Yeah hello! I was just wondering will IZ ever be released in aus? I was thinking of buying it from the US but I only have a PS2 to play dvds on and I don’t know if a US dvd will work on it. Anyhoo your help would be really appreciated. I really dont want to download all the episodes, plus my computer is far too slow.


  10. Red Wolf

    9 January 2005 at 10.40 pm

    I don’t know if Invader Zim will be released in Australia.
    You can play other region DVDs on a PS2, but you need to get DVD Region X to do it


  11. andy

    20 January 2005 at 4.06 am

    Because the invader zim dvd’s vo 1-3 have not been released in England yet, my question is will they ever release the show in any form of region 2 or 0 as my dvd player cannot be decoded to play region 1 dvd’s.
    Thanx from a die hard fan


  12. Red Wolf

    20 January 2005 at 8.29 am

    My guess would be probably not. Traditionally US companies don’t give a toss about anyone outside their borders. While they could make a region 0 DVD, a region 2 has to be made or at least distributed by a UK company.
    Most newer DVD players can have the region locking bypassed anyway. Take a look around online for your make and model.
    Feel free to contact Media Blasters and ask them


  13. lovepig

    29 April 2005 at 12.30 pm

    heads up. Amazon has the special edition boxed set now available for preorder for about $USD120. Release is 3 May 2k5 with a two week turnaround for international orders. DVD players are cheap enough to pick up these days that i’ll buy a new one and set it permanetly for region 1, just for Zim.
    I’ve ordered mine. got yours yet? 😀 😀


  14. Sam

    12 June 2005 at 8.50 pm

    plz get invader zim on dvd in australia i neeeeed it


  15. Invader BOB

    4 December 2005 at 10.08 pm

    Aw, man, why don’t they have ZIM DVDs in the UK?? It’s so unfair, the americans only think of themselves (sorry! Just releasing my anger)


  16. firestrike_thunder

    7 January 2006 at 2.26 am

    That is so not fair that they’re not releasing Zim in the UK! It seems so unfair that the americans get all the DVDs ever made ((probably! XD)) and us in the UK and places like australia or new zealand only get what they can be bothered to make. I’ve looked everywhere for a region 2 version of Zim, but it seems i shouldn’t have bothered. *sobs* me and my friends are HUGE fans, so it’s a crushing blow to us! and i haven’t got sky so i can’t watch it on TV either. it seems i’m gonna have to make do with fanart. yay.


  17. taza

    5 February 2006 at 1.19 am

    hi, im just a crazey fan of gir!! and despretely need dvds live in aus where can i get them from??


  18. Red Wolf

    5 February 2006 at 3.03 pm

    There’s probably sod all chance of Invader Zim being released outside of the US. You could try calling your local specialty book, movie or comic shops, but your best chance of getting your paws on a copy will be importing it yourself.
    Just remember that it’s coming from the US, so your DVD player will need to be able to play region 1 NTSC DVDs.


  19. meat

    16 March 2006 at 3.49 am

    my dear comrades, that is what peer to peer network file sharing is for, if they dont release it outside of the unconcious states, simply take it .


  20. scaredlittleman

    1 April 2006 at 12.47 pm

    i saw invader zim on dvd at Minotaur in Melbourne Australia- but they’ve since stopped stocking them…..i’ve looked in jb-hi fi, sanity and ez dvd and can’t find it…if any one knows where to find it in australia……..


  21. Matt

    22 June 2006 at 4.14 pm

    I found Invader Zim in some small comic shop for $45 a DVD. Ugh, i dont have that much


  22. Boogey man

    27 March 2008 at 10.28 pm

    Long since dead this thread but after reading this you can understand why people download all the videos and shows or even watch them online. Bring out just one region for all ie multi region and get rid of the rest of this crap. Untill this is made to happen more people will download off illegal sites (not all will stop, there are the cheap bastards out there too.)


  23. Ryan Scotland

    23 May 2010 at 4.09 pm

    Came on here in hope of finding Uk region Zim dvds, but to no avail :(. I’ve been checking on websites every couple of years just incase they eventually release them here. I spotted a region 1 dvd boxset for Invader Zim on , but it’s going for £1000…….C’MON!! >:(


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