Harry Potter is Evil

I was wandering through the hallowed halls of the Pagan Prattle today and ran across an old article. It was about some loony fundamentalist in New Mexico indulging in that favourite pastime of all nut cases who wish to keep their flock in the dark — book burning. While Harry Potter was the draw card, Stephen King, Eminem, AC/DC and Snow White were also rubbing shoulders on the pyre.

While the story wasn’t news to me, it had featured locally about the same time, the comments it attracted were fascinating.

It seems the title of the post is a magnet for fuckwits from both sides of the camp. Some of them were rabid enough to have required a stern pointing and laughing at by Feòrag, which is always amusing, but most of the mouth breathers proved too stupid to get the humour.

All you can really hope is that the worst offenders are too busy leaving inane comments on web sites that they don’t get around to passing their wit and intelligence onto another generation.

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  1. Feòrag

    6 November 2003 at 9.52 pm

    That was one of the first entries into the Prattle, and I am surprised by the number of comments it continues to get. I really have to get Charlie to set up referrer logging so I can see where people are finding it. I have changed address and blogging software since that post.


  2. Red Wolf

    6 November 2003 at 10.01 pm

    Persistent little buggers aren’t they. Their semi-literate scribbles provided me with an amusing read. I’d be curious to know if the hits were Google generated or links via pro- and anti-Harry Potter sites


  3. Meryl

    15 December 2003 at 12.35 pm

    That pastor disgusts me. No one should show that kind of intolerance


  4. Gabby

    29 March 2006 at 3.22 pm

    Does anyone know of any particularily outrageous anti-Harry Potter articles from opinion columns? I need to write an essay in opposition to an opinion column essay. My topic of choice is to oppose the wacko anti-Harry Potter religious zealots. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  5. Gabby

    29 March 2006 at 3.23 pm

    These are old posts, but it’s worth a shot . . . someone might run across them. 😛


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