Called on Account of Weather

The Norman Lindsay Gallery held their Celtic Festival today and I went along to help with spinning demonstrations, mostly because I’ve never been their before.
It started raining on the trip up the mountains and was pretty heavy by the time we hit the turn off at Faulconbridge. That was when I noticed what I thought was blossoms across the lawn that had been knocked off the tree by the heavy rain. I wasn’t flowers, it was hail.

Got to the gallery and managed to find the other member of our group, who’d managed to get the gazebo up before more hail hit and was sheltering under it. I’ve heard the term hail the size of golf balls, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.
Needless to say we decided to forego spinning in the rain, but did have the chance to have a look around the grounds and gallery. Not a fan of Norman Lindsay’s paintings and sketches, but I do like his sculpture and there’s a lot of it in the grounds.

Nice place and, under better circumstances, it would have been a great day out. If you are in the area and a fan of Norman Lindsay it’s well worth dropping by.

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