Quoth the Server…

I’ve emailed this around before, but was reminded of it on the weekend when I read John Sladek’s Poe parody The Purlioned Butter and thought it would suit the blog nicely. Here it is, then: Edgar Allan Poe’s 404 message.

Once upon a midnight dreary,
While I websurfed, weak and weary,
Over many a strange and spurious website of hot chicks galore,

While I clicked my fav’rite bookmark,
Suddenly there came a warning,
And my heart was filled with mourning,
Mourning for my dear amour.

‘Tis not possible, I muttered,
Give me back my cheap hardcore!
Quoth the server, “404”.

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  1. Red Wolf

    29 July 2003 at 1.33 pm

    Most amusing. My current favourite graphical 404 is the filler bunner


  2. Jimmy

    8 August 2005 at 12.26 am

    I happen to think my version is better:

    once upon a midnight dreary,
    while i pr0n surfed, weak and weary,
    over many a strange and spurious site of hot sex slaves galore.

    While i clicked my fav’rite bookmark,
    Suddenly there came a warning,
    And my heart was filled with mourning,
    Mourning for my dear amour.

    ‘Tis not possible!, I pleaded,
    But my browser, so conceited,
    Remained blank, I then repeated,
    Just a blank and nothing more.

    With a scream, I was defeated,
    For my cookies were deleted,
    So i begged, no longer seated,
    Give me back my free hardcore!

    Then, in answer to my query,
    Through the net I loved so dearly,
    Came its answer, dark and dreary:
    Quoth the server, 404


  3. karl marx

    21 June 2009 at 4.43 pm

    Although I like your extended rendition, the first has greater appeal to me. A reader of your version in my opinion, is likely to get over the humour of parodying the poem before the 404 line is encountered, this weakens the punchline.


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