Pay ruling a milestone for women

In the most significant women’s pay decision in nearly 40 years, the workplace tribunal has ruled that gender was a key factor in the low pay of tens of thousands of social and community workers.

But the decision by the full bench of Fair Work Australia held off in giving large pay rises, saying it wanted further submissions into how much gender had inhibited wages growth’ among the mostly female workforce of about 150,000 people, who include mental health, social and youth workers employed by non-government groups such as UnitingCare, Mission Australia and the Salvation Army — via

Counting the cost of immigration detention

Next year (2011-12) the Government will spend $709 million in asylum seeker detention and related costs. This is up $147 million on this year (2010-11) and amounts to about $90,000 for every asylum seeker that comes to Australia.

The abolition of mandatory detention of asylum seekers, which means mainly boat people, could save between $150 and $425 million per annum.

In chiding the Chinese about their human rights, Julia Gillard said that we believe (in human rights) … it is us. It’s an Australian value. How can she say this when we have 6,819 asylum seekers in detention in Australia who are entitled to our legal protection and hopefully, our compassion? — via

Fairfax journalist Ben Grubb arrested after reporting on Facebook privacy flaw

Police have admitted arresting a technology journalist covering an IT security conference after yesterday denying it.

The Queensland Police Media Unit last night flatly denied a claim by Fairfax journalist Ben Grubb that he was arrested at AusCERT in Surfers Paradise.

@bengrubb was not arrested. He was interviewed briefly by police, the unit said on Twitter, referencing Grubb’s handle on the website.

This morning the unit posted another update saying it had made a mistake.

“Our bad @bengrubb was arrested for questioning briefly Our tweet last night was based on information provided at the time Apologies (sic), it said — via

Twitter users track power outages in India

Electric power cuts in India are frequent and all over the country. But information on the extent of the problem has been largely anecdotal.

Now a volunteer group is working with a large number of Indian users of Twitter to create an infographic based on Twitter messages from various parts of the country, reporting power failures from various cities and towns — via

GSMA Slams Euro Call For Ban On Wireless In Schools

The ongoing debate over the supposed dangers posed by mobile phone usage and wireless signals has exploded once again. An influential European committee has called for a ban on mobile phones and Wi-Fi networks in schools – but industry body the GSM Association (GSMA) has denounced the report as an unbalanced political assessment, not a scientific report — via

Conversation with my daughter

Watching a report on asylum seekers on 7.30 tonight, one of our daughters spoke up unexpectedly: I don’t understand. Shouldn’t we help them? Why do they keep talking about how they should stop the boats?

Yes, we should help them, I said.

Then why do they want to stop the boats? What’s wrong with the boat people?

We tried to explain that there was nothing wrong with asylum seekers, that they were scared people who couldn’t live in their home countries any longer because of war or not being allowed to practise their religion. That sometimes they needed to leave so urgently that they made a risky trip in a boat halfway across the world to look for a country that would let them live there.

So we should help them, but why don’t people want them to come here? — via

God help the children

Enter the Victorian branch of the Australian Education Union, that on Friday called for all monies going to ACCESS Ministries to be withdrawn. Citing ACCESS volunteers who taught their young charges gems like, Buddha is Satan’s friend, the union said that Paddison’s comments were an affront to students in a our secular government schools and a clear breach of the federal guidelines for the national school chaplaincy program [that prohibit proselytising].

The AEU’s stance follows that take by Professor Gary Bouma, an Anglican Priest and the UNESCO chairman of Interreligious and Intercultural Relations. Denouncing the ACCESS curriculum as crap, Bouma bemoaned an education department ill equipped to stand up to religious bullies like ACCESS. Several days later, he signed an open letter with a handful of other religious and social inclusion experts. Addressed to Federal and State decision-makers, including the Prime Minister, it called for the replacement of scripture with general religious education taught by trained teachers, not evangelical Christian volunteers — via

Donkeys Take Over From DSL as Syria Shuts Down Internet

The Facebook revolution has retreated from this dusty Jordanian town on the Syrian border.

In a bid to quash a rebellion now entering its third month, the Syrian government, perhaps one of the world’s most Internet-unfriendly, has shut down pretty much all electronic communications inside the country and to overseas. Cut off from the World Wide Web, protestors, journalists and human rights activists have resorted to communications networks from another era.

And for that, Ramtha, a Jordanian town of about 100,000 people 80 kilometres north of the capital of Amman, has become a virtual switchboard for news coming out of Syria, not to mention a swarm of refugees seeking to flee the carnage that has taken some 800 lives across the country, according to a United Nations estimate released last Friday — via

French Hadopi 3 Strikes Anti-Piracy Company Hacked

The private company entrusted to carry out file-sharing network monitoring for the French government has been hacked. Trident Media Guard, which is responsible for gathering data for so-called 3 strikes warnings, now has some of its scripts and secrets out in the wild, an event which has the potential to upset the smooth of Hadopi — via

Gays and Christians clash in street rally

Police have been forced to intervene during a clash between the gay and lesbian community and a group of street preachers in Adelaide.

The violence broke out during a rally to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on Saturday.

The protest began peacefully with 150 members of the gay and lesbian community gathering to stage a mass wedding, calling for equal rights for gay marriage.

But when members of the Christian Street Church crashed the rally, tension escalated — via

School religion classes probed

The Christian group that provides religious education and chaplains in Victorian government schools will be investigated after its chief executive told a conference: We need to go and make disciples.

The remarks appear to breach guidelines governing school religious programs, which ban trying to convert students to any one religion — via

China cracks down on VPN use

Chinese internet users suspect that their government is interfering with the method they have been using to tunnel under the Great Firewall to prevent them connecting with the outside world.

Sites such as search engine Google and news site MSN have become difficult to access, they say. And a number of universities and businesses have begun warning their users not to try to evade the firewall.

Since 6 May, a number of users says that internet connections via China Telecom, the largest telephone company, and China Unicom have become unstable, with intermittent access when trying to access sites in foreign countries using a virtual private network (VPN) – a preferred method of evading the blocks put up by China’s censors to external sites. Even Apple’s app store has been put off-limits by the new blocks, according to reports — via

For Chinese, kidney donation is a click away

In China, where a growing demand for organ transplants coupled with a dramatic shortage of donors has fuelled a rampant black market trade, selling your organs for cash is a mouse click away.

An internet search reveals a website offering kidneys for sale and the contact information of those able to procure them. A young woman, posing as a migrant worker from Hebei province, calls a man who has advertised on the website, identified as Mr He.

I need money, she says over the phone. Do you want a woman’s kidney?

Mr He asks her age. Twenty-five, she replies.

Of course we want your kidney — via

Mike Rowe Senate Testimony

Mike Rowe’s Testimony Before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

In high schools, the vocational arts have all but vanished. We’ve elevated the importance of higher education to such a lofty perch that all other forms of knowledge are now labeled alternative. Millions of parents and kids see apprenticeships and on-the-job-training opportunities as vocational consolation prizes, best suited for those not cut out for a four-year degree. And still, we talk about millions of shovel ready jobs for a society that doesn’t encourage people to pick up a shovel — via