Cases of heatstroke in Japan have hit record levels as people switch off air conditioners in the summer heat to save power after the nuclear crisis.
At least 26 people have died this month alone — via
Cases of heatstroke in Japan have hit record levels as people switch off air conditioners in the summer heat to save power after the nuclear crisis.
At least 26 people have died this month alone — via
Google is facing a wave of complaints from users around the globe after it launched yet another service that is only available to those who live in the United States.
On one of its in-house blogs this week, Google revealed it had launched a new marketplace for its Android mobile platform, which dramatically expands the platform’s functionality, allowing users to rent movies and purchase books. The Android Market has also been overhauled in general to make it easier for users to find applications.
However, the book and movie purchasing functionality is limited to customers in the US only, a fact that has drawn the ire of customers located in other regions. In the US
, wrote one user in response to Google’s blog. Also in the US, along with Google Music and Google Voice, both available in the US. Here’s to the centre of the universe
— via
A dentist who was ordered to pay more than $1.3 million for damage he caused to a patient’s mouth is continuing to practise in NSW, despite his own lawyers calling him negligent and incompetent — via
As a leader in the Jewish community and a human rights advocate, he believes he has a responsibility to speak publicly for the first time about the abuse he says dogged his childhood. He hopes his story will empower and encourage others to speak to the police or seek the help they may require.
This is about justice and closure, both for myself and other victims,
says Mr Waks, a vice-president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and president of the ACT Jewish Community, among other senior roles. He wants to hold to account the alleged perpetrators of the crimes and the Yeshivah Centre, which runs the college and which he says betrayed victims by persuading them to remain silent.
Mr Waks also hopes his story will help change the stigma faced by victims of sex abuse. I feel I’ve moved on with my life … you can actually move forward while acknowledging that it has inevitably impacted me in a profound way
— via
Senior officials in Spain’s Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE), the country’s leading collection society for songwriters and composers, face embezzlement charges in the wake of a Friday raid on the organization’s offices. (A collecting society collects licensing fees for public performances of music and distributes them to artists and record companies.)
According to Spanish newspaper El País, the investigation is focused on José Luis Rodríguez Neri, the head of an SGAE subsidiary called the Digital Society of Spanish Authors (SDAE). Neri faces charges of “fraud, misappropriation of funds and disloyal administration.” On Monday, a High Court judge grilled him for more than four hours over the charges — via
Only around 500 of Australia’s pollution-emitting companies will pay the carbon tax, despite repeated promises by the Government that the 1,000 biggest polluters
will pay — via
The case against eight former police officers accused of conspiring to mould, manipulate, influence and fabricate evidence
after the murder of a woman who was working as a prostitute has been opened — via
The phone-hacking crisis enveloping the News of the World intensified on Tuesday night after it emerged that Scotland Yard has started to contact the relatives of victims of the 7 July 2005 attacks to warn them they were targeted by the paper.
The revelation that bereaved family members may have had their mobile phone messages intercepted by Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator employed by the paper, in the days following the 2005 London bombings will heap further pressure on the title’s owner, News International, part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire — via
Infrastructure Australia, which was set up to advise the Government, says the country is suffering from poor planning and less than adequate investment in infrastructure.
It says Australia’s infrastructure is barely adequate
and there will be long-term costs if there is not significant improvement.
It has singled out water and energy infrastructure as key areas in need of extra investment — via
An investigator working for the News of the World allegedly hacked into the mobile phone of murdered girl Milly Dowler, a lawyer for the family says.
Mark Lewis said police told her parents that Glenn Mulcaire hacked into her voicemail while she was missing — via
On 13 August 2004, in a debate punctuated by rage and tears, the Senate passed a Howard government amendment to the Marriage Act banning same-sex marriages.
Exactly 45 years earlier, on 13 August 1959, in the midst of debating Australia’s first national Marriage Act — the one Howard later amended — the House of Representatives erupted at the news an Aboriginal woman had been denied permission to marry — via
Hundreds of people have marched in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, against government plans to import genetically modified (GM) maize — via
The number of British children abducted by a parent and taken to a country beyond Foreign Office protection has risen by 10% in the past year, it says — via
Taiwanese users of Google Inc’s Android Market were left in the dark yesterday as the search engine giant removed the paid app section from its online store.
The removal of the paid app section came after the Taipei City Government slapped Google with a NT$1 million (US$34,550) fine for failing to offer Taiwanese consumers a seven-day free-trial mechanism as mandated by law — via
The Greens have released a report which has found 83 per cent of Australia’s mining industry is foreign-owned — via
The association representing Australia’s internet industry today claimed that 80 to 90 per cent of Australians would have their internet connections filtered for child pornography this year, following the release of an industry code in July that will focus on a blacklist of sites supplied by international policing agency, Interpol –via
The continued support by several of Australia’s largest internet service providers for a voluntary version of the Federal Government’s mandatory ISP filtering scheme has attracted the ire of the world’s largest digital rights group, the Electronic Frontiers Foundation.
This week, Telstra and Optus reiterated that they were still planning to start filtering their customers’ traffic for a list of internet addresses provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority which it has deemed to contain child pornography. The initiative is a stop-gap measure agreed to by ISPs and the Federal Government in mid-2010 while a review is carried out into the Refused Classification category of content which the wider mandatory filter will block.
Another major ISP, Primus, is also planning to implement the voluntary filtering scheme — via
A motivational speaker has been found guilty over the deaths of three people who fell ill during a meeting at an Arizona sweat lodge
A jury found James Ray guilty of three counts of negligent homicide
— via
A visiting American evangelist who claims healing powers has walked from a NSW court without even a fine despite driving 110km blind drunk and crashing into a parked car.
Self-claimed prophet of God
Jason Hooper — touring with Hillsong protege Ben Hughes — declared God had forgiven him for his double-shot whisky binge that ended in a mangled wreck on the Mid North Coast.
I’ve worked it out with the Lord. I was wrong,
Hooper told The Sunday Telegraph — via
An underground bus terminal could solve the peak-hour logjam that turns one of the city’s major arteries into a commuter nightmare, says a leading authority on transport.
York Street in the Sydney city centre is the bane of bus commuters travelling from the city’s north, as it transforms into a single line of traffic moving at glacial pace.
Many frustrated passengers simply get off at Wynyard and walk towards Town Hall rather than sit in the traffic jam. There is such a backlog at the Queen Victoria Building that commuters boarding buses to suburbs including Balmain, Epping and Lane Cove are also delayed — via