No ‘Puters Please, We’re Artists

Work has been trying to get everyone to get their holidays down by the end of June. Hey, I’m down with forced time off, no prob. Well no prob for me any way.
So far every set of dates I put through, (I need to take a week), gets knocked back, Sorry, Redtape Corp work is suppose to start any day now, and so is Super Confused’s work. Redtape Corp’s work is yet to manifest in my inbox, and Super Confused work is just starting up, albiet VERY slowly.
So I’ve locked in next week.
I’m looking forward to my activites next week, I’ll be floating around the art rooms at the Julian Ashton Art School in The Rocks, brushing up on my drawing and painting. I rang up to enroll this morning and got a delightfully airy receptionist. After giving her my credit card details, I asked her if she could email me a list of the art supplies. She laughed and replied, Oh, we don’t even have a computer, just bring what you feel comfortable with. We’ll see you next week.
How cool is that? Being a web/graphic designer, THIS is exactly what I needed.
Needless to say, my geekier work colleagues found the idea of a week without computers quite scary.

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