Malamute Subterfuge

Malamutes are intelligent dogs, they just have no interest in doing what you want them to do.

I have a suspicion that Malamute may be Amish, the first thing she does with her toys is to snap the eyes off and rip the faces out. To avoid this, I was preparing the pods’ xmas presents earlier in the week by removing the faces from two small toy bunnies. Malamute was sitting patiently at my feet watching bunny surgery and occasionally having a gentle tug at an ear in the hope I wouldn’t notice and she could scarper off with it. Husky was content to watch the proceedings from the comfort of the lounge.

They got their presents on xmas morning and a hot pink bunny got tossed about the backyard for five minutes before Malamute realised she also had a food component to her gift.

Half an hour later, after trying to hide the remaining half of a well gnawed rawhide bone under me, behind the television and under Husky’s beanbag, Malamute finally scoffed it and settled in for a good game of remove Husky’s rawhide bone.

This morning she hit on a winning plan. She went hurtling into the backyard and stood at the side gate barking her head off. Husky went to investigate the barks that sounded very much like there’s a strange dog in the front yard. The moment Husky had joined her, Malamute bounded back inside and stole his bone.
Mission accomplished.

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  1. MAC

    31 December 2003 at 8.20 pm

    Smart K9 you got there. I had a malamute/wolf mix, his name was Rolo, smart dog. Evil too, made you feel sorry for scolding him with those big ol’ eyes. Thanx for the icons btw! — via LiveJournal

  2. Red Wolf

    31 December 2003 at 8.21 pm

    Malamutes are masters at bending you to their will. It’s 3:00am, you will take me for a walk.
    I’m jealous of your Wolf mix, Rolo sounds a sweetie. We’re not allowed to have wolves of any kind in Australia. But we do have dingoes.
    Glad you liked your icons. Give me a yell if you want more — via LiveJournal

  3. Matt Bennett

    14 June 2004 at 9.14 am

    I just bought a wolf malamute mix. Not sure if I should have from what my mother said, but you know how they can be. The dad is 90% wolf and 10% nikita. The mother is 100% malamute. She said it will not be good around my three kids. The lady I bought her from said she would be fine. So what do you think? Please let me know your feelings on this, so I can decide whether I should keep her or not. She is only 9 weeks old right now. Thanks!

  4. shellie bellie

    20 June 2004 at 10.35 am

    I have a 11week old malamute/wolfdog and she is absolutely sweet. I take her everywhere and she is very good with kids-when she gets old I wont leave her alone with them as she will be large & a bit clumpsy but never aggressive. My Abbie girl can sit, laydown, shake, begg and she talks to us when she wants something. I couldn’t have found a better companion-I only spend 10 minutes 3 time a day working to train her & she is very submissive but also a little stubborn. You train your wolfdog & show them lots of love & proper socialization they will be awesome companions

  5. Sam Anderson

    27 January 2005 at 7.06 am

    I have a 10 week old husky/malamute/wolf. Her parents are great dogs and very friendly. My girl is very shy but playful when she wants to be. She didn’t appear to be very shy around her siblings. Just wondering if she will always be this shy and how to help her get comfortable with this new life? Tell me your thoughts, Thanks-

  6. Red Wolf

    27 January 2005 at 8.02 am

    All dogs are different.
    My Malamute was very quiet and aloof from her siblings but the reason Malamutes have such a high dumpage rate when I got her home. She is the Princess, very beautiful, very demanding and convinced that the world revolves around her. She has mellowed a little as she’s gotten older.
    My Malamute is the same around strange things, strange people she adores. Try to introduce your pup to as many new things as possible while she’s young, especially other dogs

  7. Lanie

    19 March 2005 at 9.34 am

    We have a new puppy, a malamute / wolf mix. About 25% malmute. We are very happy with him, except that he keeps playing with the 2 cats roughly. Our other wolf dog is an 11 yr old female, 50% Arctic, 50% Golden Retriever. She is our beloved, and everyone loves her. Good with children, and excellent with the cats. She pretty much ignores them. Will he change, and mellow out? I realize he is used to his litter mates. He is now 11 weeks old. We requested a mellow pup, not an Alpha, and this pup wasn’t the Alpha. He does want to please, and is loving, yet won’t listen re the cats. Our older dog is really keeping him in his place, letting him know that she is the Alpha dog here. This is good, as he tried to mount (showing dominence) another dog when he was 9 weeks old. I hope he picks up as much of our 11 year old female’s personality as possible. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

  8. Red Wolf

    19 March 2005 at 10.59 am

    Wolves play rough. While my malamute would probably be fine with an assertive cat, my Husky would see it as an exciting new toy.
    All dogs are different. While your pup may well have been submissive with his littermates, that may change in his new environment. All I can suggest is don’t leave them together unsupervised

  9. Janet

    4 April 2005 at 8.52 am

    I’m here in New Mexico and would love to find a Malamute/Wolf cross with maybe 10-25% wolf. A puppy is my first choice. Anyone know where I can look? Geography is no object! I had a malamute/wolf that I just adored – she was so spiritual and gentle. Please write!!

  10. Erin Mintun

    15 June 2005 at 4.21 pm

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of a place on the West Coast, preferably Oregon, that I could find a wolf/malamute mix? I also might want to look at any kind of husky/ malamute/ wolf combination. We got ours in Bend, and now can’t find the breeder again to get another! Please e-mail me ASAP if you can help! ~Erin

  11. IrishVampire13

    15 July 2005 at 9.01 am

    Well, we certainly know which one’s the smart one. 🙂

  12. Angie

    25 October 2005 at 1.37 am

    I have a 8 week old wolf and husky pup.. And I just wanted to know a little about the wolf side.. I looked online but didn’t find much, maybe I didn’t look in the right places……emails are welcome at

  13. Carin Nunes

    14 November 2005 at 8.58 pm

    I had a wonderful Malamute Wolf for the last 11 years!
    For anyone considering getting one, they can be great dogs!
    Something to think about…
    The malamute side is mellow & loving…malamutes are mainly used as weight pulling sled dog with in endurance to go the distance This breed is about 30% part arctic wolf.
    They love cooler climates and snow! (Husky mixes are a bit more high strung they are speed sleigh pullers.)
    Wolves are very social animals…you either socialize them well with humans/environment/situations or leave them in the wild!
    Neither are the type of dog that can be chained up in a backyard or kept in a small area!
    They need room to run! They tend to burrow and dig dens. They are crafty and will somtimes mistify you completely! You do need to keep them in check…you have to school them every now and again to get there attention, and regain your slpha status.
    They are not normally great watchdogs. If you have small/young children I do not suggest getting a male. They are not nurturing and less tolerant of kids.

  14. vicki

    24 December 2005 at 3.59 am

    we just got a malamute wolf mix last night, 85% wolf 15% malamute, she is 4 weeks old and really quite. after we got her our family had a fit, said they can turn on you at the drop of a hat, and that we should get rid of her. can anyone give me any advise on one with this much wolf shes very snuggly and loves to lay beside you and snuggle up close.

  15. doug

    26 May 2006 at 6.40 pm

    hey i just got a malamute wolf mix. hes about 3 months old and shy most of the time. i named him free spirt. im workingf on training him to be a good copanion. if anyone can help me with good training tips let me know cause its the first time ive owend a wol husky mix.

  16. Lisa

    10 June 2006 at 10.16 am

    I recommend to everyone to watch Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer. He has the best advice when it comes to any kind of dog. Excercise,Discipline, affection. We have a malamute/wolf mix and he’s alot of work (4 months old) but worth every moment.

  17. TaCarra Wolfe

    8 July 2006 at 9.54 am

    Hello I stumbled across this while trying to find my baby a home. And was wondering if any one would be interested in providing him a forever home. We rescued him back from his former owners for mistreating him. He is a wolf malamute father is 98% grey timber mother is full blooded malamute. He is very sweet good with kids and other animals 10 months old and is house broken. Asking $450.00 Please let me know if you are interested his name is Dakota.

  18. Samantha

    8 September 2006 at 6.14 pm

    I just recently got my mother-in-laws malamute’ wolf’ mix. his name is rebel. he is the most awesome obedient dog i have ever owned. i have 4 small children, and i am training him to be house dog, (he howls too much to keep him outside_he is a big baby) he has deteriorating arthritis and he is only 5 yrs old. if anyone out there has this kind of mix, please let me know. he is a cool dog, and weighs about 170 lbs. how can i help him feel better? New dog owner

  19. Jenny

    6 December 2006 at 6.07 pm

    I have a 3yr old malamute-articwolf mix female named Nanuk and I wouldn’t trade her for any other dog in the world. She is the most loving dog I know. She’s wonderful with children and not aggressive at all. She knows how to sit, lay down, give high five…but her attention span is short. She does what she wants, so the whole fetching thing didn’t work. She’s about 101lbs and at times thinks she is a lap dog. She’s very playful and loves to wrestle.

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