MT Plugins

A couple more MT plugins from the prolific Brad Choate have been added to the system.

First is Sanitise, which allows unwanted HTML to be stripped from comment displays. This was due to a problem caused by a closing tag being cropped by the recent comments section and the entire index page turning an attractive shade of italic. The problem on the index page is fixed and the comment italics are still visible in their original location. Very useful.

The second plugin is Supplemental Category Tags, which provides a handy previous and next navigation linkage for the category archives.

Also added Kevin Shay‘s FirstNWords, a helpful plugin for setting excerpts to a nominated number of words rather than characters.

Now all I need is functionality for author archives to be added and I’ll be a happy camper.

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  1. sbszine

    15 October 2003 at 1.47 pm

    Slashdot mentions another good MT plug-in: the de-spammer. Might be worth pre-emptively installing this now that we’re getting a steady trickle of comments.

  2. Red Wolf

    16 October 2003 at 2.29 pm

    That would be Jay Allen‘s new plugin to blacklist known comment spammers. Currently in beta mode, but I’ve just installed it and will keep an eye on its progress.

    Also of note is Bryant‘s amusing Disenvowelment which takes the vowels out of comments by specified IP addresses

  3. sbszine

    28 October 2003 at 10.37 am

    Oooh, and here’s a page chock full of ways to de-spam an MT blog.

  4. Red Wolf

    28 October 2003 at 10.58 am

    Most of the comment problem at the moment is morons leaving gibberish or ‘hello’ type drivel. None of the de-spammers have ways to blacklist idiots enmasse. They can be manually deleted or, if they left a particularly stupid comment, made to look even dumber than they managed themselves.
    Despite the lack of legitimate e-mail addresses or URLs, it is pretty easy to find out where stupid user comments came from. The spammers tend to obfuscate their IPs, hence the need for all the de-spam tricks and plug-ins which are based on blocking an URL, product or e-mail address

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