I need a better gargoyle…

A word of advice to prospective car thieves — look INSIDE the car before breaking in otherwise you could find yourself wasting time and effort. I say this because my car got broken into while it was parked at Holsworthy station. I’m a 23 year old web designer, so it’s not like I keep valuables in the car, due to my inadequate salary and lack of stupidity, (my stupidity may or may not be questioned due to my chosen profession).

The contents of my car consisted of the following: copied audio cds (that you can’t even sell), street directory (I think you can get five bucks for it at a second hand book store), a second hand sherlock holmes novel, some hair elastics, screws (my dad had my car for a couple of days while my number plates got stolen from same station), 20 cents (which theives left behind), a black furry scarf, a lilacy-silvery scarf and a gargole dangling from the rear vision mirror. The only thing worth taking from my car is the cd player, which from this experience has proven to be quite immoveable. Not a scratch on it. I suppose I should be happy they didn’t/couldn’t take the whole car.

My car is an Astra, it’s a nice car, (mind you I say this as my previous car was a purple girly charade, which is a car with character), and it’s not even a year old yet, so I can see how a prospective theif (who from here on in will be refered to as fuckwit), would think woo hoo! Goodies mate!! Now I can get me some winnie bloose. winnie bloose = Winfield Blue (cigarette brand of choice of the discerning fuckwit yobbo from the west. Mullet optional). Well, they were very fucking wrong now weren’t they. One would think that my gargolye, black furry stuff and second hand book would’ve given them a clue as to the highly unlikely possibility of my car containing anything worth smashing windows for. Yes, yes I know, the CD player you dickhead, or the car, but fuck man! Even a fuckwit has to have standards and an effort to loot ratio to follow. How else are they going to be able to get as many cartons of winnie bloose as possible?

Two other people had their cars broken into this evening from the same station. Police have said something along the lines of surveillence cameras that are monitored, but I don’t think the fuckwit or wits in question will be caught or charged.

After having two badges and both number plates taken over the past few months, I have decided to end my affiliation with Holsworthy station. I highly recommend that others do the same.

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  1. Red Wolf

    19 August 2003 at 8.19 am

    They supposedly have cameras (where?) in the car park, they do have occasional police bike patrols (in very tight shorts) in a ten minutes cruise through the car park and yet break-ins are almost constant. Here’s a novel idea, monitor the bloody cameras — especially as school comes out. Probably worth dropping a line to our corrupt council and CC it to the letters department of the local fish wrap


  2. lucie

    19 August 2003 at 10.18 am

    There are cameras on the roof (where I normally park), very high up on poles, and there was one pointing straight at my car. I wonder if it captures sound, cos I let out one of the loudest expletives known to man on that roof.


  3. blued

    29 September 2005 at 1.22 am

    My car was parked on the roof as well.. and somebody broke my left passenger seat window.. do the cameras really work or are they just displays? we wouldnt know now would we…


  4. lucie

    29 September 2005 at 6.12 pm

    I really don’t know if they are operational. When the cops spoke to my mum, they said they might be able to take a look at the footage if they had not taped over it yet.
    Parking at stations on this line really needs to be addressed. Parking at Ingleburn is getting harder and harder to find, due to trucks, new timetable and I’m guessing more commuters due to higher fuel prices. If there was public transport in my suburb, I’d use that to get to and from home and station.


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