Proving that scientists are indeed a wacky bunch of people, the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists is a club for scientists who have, or believe they have, luxuriant flowing hair
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Proving that scientists are indeed a wacky bunch of people, the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists is a club for scientists who have, or believe they have, luxuriant flowing hair
Reflection — originally uploaded by Red Wolf
lyn Kirby
27 December 2003 at 4.59 am
2 questions.
1. in europe it is against the law to slaughter downed cows and place them in the food chain. Is this also a law in the US. If so- will the slaughter house be closed down for violating the law. If not, why. If I intentionaly break the law and put others a risk I would be removed immediately>
2. Cows get mad cow disease from other cows who have the disease. To save $ companies recycle the brains and other parts of cows, grind them up and place them in feed. Cows are vegetarians, yet they grind up cow brains and refeed them to the cows in their feed. If a feed company violated regulations and recycled discarded cow parts into feed, what actions will be taken? I am as concerned about the infection of other cows as well as the distribution of this meat.
thanks for your time.
Red Wolf
27 December 2003 at 8.58 am
All very interesting Lyn, but I can’t quite see the connection between BSE and the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists