Mac fanatics suffering from premature e-maculation

The countdown is on for Apple’s WWDC 2003 (Worldwide Developer’s Conference) on 23-27 June, and the mac faithful are absolutely wetting themselves. Mac rumour sites are rampant with posts and photos on what new hardware and software delights awaits us. One thing we know for sure is that Panther, the code name for OSX.3 will be revealed. Yayyy! But at what price though? Some weren’t terribly impressed with having to fork out for OSX and then an additional 240-ish bucks for OSX.2. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…

On to the rumours!

Safari 1.0 to be released. I don’t think this is that far fetched, or at least I’m sure it’s just around the corner. Apple certainly have more motivation now that Microsoft are no longer developing Explorer for Mac, and what better way to stick it to Microsoft than to whack it on new machines as the default browser with Panther? Ooohhh! I just realised the relation between the names Safari and Panther! Coincidence? More than likely.

PowerMac G5s. This has been popping up for quite some years. Someone has even posted a link to an allegdged apple store graphic for the new specs on Apple’s servers. I mean how easy is it for somone to mock up one of these as a joke though? And some kid did a rendition of the possibly existing G5 in his art class after taken nuggets of information overheard from his father’s phone conversations about the Power Mac G5.

PowerPC 970. There have been reports that mystery boxes have been arriving at Apple retail stores with security seals and marked don’t open until June 23 or something to that effect. Other posts are saying that the PowerPC 970s won’t be available on 23 June but will be previewed at WWDC 2003. I don’t know what to think of this. I guess we shall see.

Here is a general round up post for you to ponder. The PowerPC 970 notebooks rumour is intriguing, and ever since the release of the iPod, everyone’s been hanging out for either an Apple camera or phone. This post has some speculation on a communication device, but surely it’s only a matter of time before Apple try their hand at this. These sorts of devices would also fit into the whole iLife / digital hub strategy, so it makes sense.

All will be revealed next week, and for those sceptics who think it’ll be a dud, think again (different). The eMacs have already received a hardware upgrade, this is a sign of big things to come. Remember what happened at the last keynote? Apple released iCal and Safari public release 1 and something else, BEFORE the keynote/macworld and went for the jugular at the keynote / macworld releasing the new range of Powerbooks, iLife, iSync and airport extreme. I think there was more but I can’t remember. But you get the idea. Apple is up to big things mark my hazy words.

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